A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue
P.O. Box 211924
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 -1924
(561) 333-1100
Needs Foster   |  Recent Arrivals   |  Cats: 21   |  Dogs: 63

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Olivia and Sonic *'s Web Page

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Olivia and Sonic * needs a caretaker or foster!
Won't you consider helping her get a new start?

Print an adoption flyer for Olivia and Sonic *!

Name: Olivia and Sonic *
Rescue ID: 2503D12890
Status: Available for Adoption (adoption info)
Species: Dog
Breed: Chihuahua / Rat Terrier
Learn more about the Chihuahua.
Learn more about the Rat Terrier.
Sex: Female
Potential Size: 15
General Potential Size: Small
Current Age: 4 Years 4 Months (best estimate)
Activity Level: Moderately Active
Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor Only
Good with Dogs: Yes
Good with Kids: Yes
Housetrained: Yes
Microchipped: Yes
Olivia and Sonic * must be adopted with her brother, Sonic and Olivia * (available for adoption).
Sonic and Olivia Born 11/11/2020 and adopted from Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue 1/23/21.  Due to our unforeseen financial situation and taking on other occupations, we are unable to take care of the dogs as consistently as we have in the last 4 years. Our absence in the home is taking a toll and we are realizing that they are getting more and more anxious. Sonic and Olivia will make awesome pets for an elderly couple or young kids first dogs, they are well behaved. They are not big barkers, but a door knock or loud truck will get a few.  They’re approachable.  Sonic’s personality is athletic, Olivia will run around and play, but she would rather cuddle. They Love movie nights. They carry the characteristics of a true boy and a girl.  Sonic’s original name was Oscar but when our son saw him, he said he looks like sonic and he immediately looked at him and ran to him. Olivia, who we nicknamed “fat” answers to both, and loves it when dad says “come clean the mess" when he purposely drops food on the floor.  We would say we would love to hold onto the dogs, but it will be selfish, and they’re at the perfect age to be adopted . Sonic and Olivia will be wonderful addition to a home.
Other Pictures of Olivia and Sonic * (click to see larger version):
Olivia and Sonic *
Olivia and Sonic *
Olivia and Sonic *
Olivia and Sonic *

Currently we do not know if Olivia and Sonic * will be able to attend the event, PetSmart - Donald Ross on Saturday, March 15th, 2025.
It appears that Olivia and Sonic * will be attending the event, PetSmart - West Boynton on Saturday, March 15th, 2025.

See Olivia and Sonic *'s attendance information for future events.
See a list of all events.

All images and content Copyright 2015, A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue, Inc.