A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue
P.O. Box 211924
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 -1924
(561) 333-1100
Needs Foster   |  Recent Arrivals   |  Cats: 14   |  Dogs: 43

  Search Successes
2013 LogoTrupanion
A Second Chance is now partnering with Trupanion to offer a 30 day free trial of medical insurance for your adopted pet.
Once you complete our complementry wellness visit included  with every adoption, simply call the number on the trupanion form
within 24 hours of leaving the Vet's office and reference the activation code, and start your trial.  

Because you signed up through our rescue, there is no waiting period to start your coverage. 
For The Animals :)

All images and content Copyright 2015, A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue, Inc.